What Can Make Dry Eye Symptoms Worse?

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If you've been experiencing dry, itchy eyes, you're not alone. Many people from Delray Beach, Boca Raton, Boynton Beach, and Palm Beach County, FL, come to Rothchild Eye Institute in search of effective treatment for dry eyes. While dry eyes can be uncomfortable, certain conditions and behaviors can actually make the symptoms worse. Knowing what triggers the effects of dry eyes can help you avoid discomfort and seek appropriate treatment. Better understand the factors that can exacerbate symptoms of dry eyes so you can better manage your condition.

Are lifestyle choices affecting your dry eyes?

Believe it or not, your day-to-day activities and lifestyle can play a significant role in the effects of dry eyes. Long hours in front of computer screens can strain your eyes, making them feel drier. Poor sleep can also disrupt the natural lubrication process of your eyes, leading to worsening symptoms. Furthermore, dietary choices like a low intake of Omega-3 fatty acids can negatively impact eye health. Wearing contact lenses for extended periods can irritate your eyes further and make the effects more noticeable.

Can environmental factors intensify symptoms?

Yes, the environment you're in can make a world of difference. Dry climates, high winds, and even air conditioning can worsen dry eye symptoms. Indoor environments with low humidity levels can also be detrimental. If you're someone who loves to travel, the airplane's low-humidity environment can wreak havoc on your eyes, too. It is important to seek treatment for dry eyes so the next time you're in an air-conditioned space for an extended period or are flying cross-country, you'll be prepared to address the effects of dry eyes.

Are medications making your dry eyes worse?

Certain medications like antihistamines, decongestants, and specific blood pressure medicines can reduce tear production, worsening dry eye symptoms. If you're taking any of these medications and experiencing worsening symptoms, it might be worth discussing alternative medications or dry eye treatment options with your healthcare provider. Additionally, hormone replacement therapies and some antidepressants have also been linked to dry eyes. Always consult your ophthalmologist if you suspect your medication is affecting your eye health.

Take the next step for managing dry eyes

One of the best ways to understand what's worsening your dry eye symptoms is to consult professionals like the team at Rothchild Eye Institute. With a thorough eye examination and a tailored treatment plan, we aim to provide relief for your discomfort and improve your quality of life. Don't let persistent dry eyes affect your day-to-day activities any longer. Schedule an appointment at our Delray Beach, FL, clinic to explore effective treatment options for your condition.

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